Red Light Therapy
Red Light Therapy is a safe all natural process that encourages your body to naturally produce enzymes, elastin fibers, and collagen that supports the skin’s structure.
REd Light Therapy Benefits!
Makes your skin look and feel younger
Firms and tones skin
Dramatically reduces wrinkles and fine lines
Helps damaged skin heal up to 200% faster
Eliminates stretch marks in most clients
Greatly reduces scaring
Evens out pigmentation
Effective treatment for acne
Restores moisture to the skin
Repairs sun damaged skin
Increases circulation
Relieves join pain
Effective treatment for Psoriasis and Eczema
Recommended Session Lengths
1-4 Weeks: 20 Minutes, 3-5 times a week
4-12 Weeks: 20 Minutes, 2-3 times a week
12+ Weeks: 20 Minutes, 1-2 times a week
Single Visit: $6.42
Monthly Package: $49 per month
Monthly Package (when combined with a Tanning Package): $29 per month